Wall-to-wall transitions, attachment to various materials, and high payload capacity are important requirements for high-rise building cleaning using robots. In this paper, we present a new robotic platform, called the ‘‘MultiTrack’’, that satisfies these requirements. The MultiTrack employs a multilinked track mechanism and pneumatic adhesion technology. The MultiTrack can perform wall-to-wall transitions by dexterous motion, can be attached to various materials by suction, and can provide high payload capacity. The robot consists of five driving modules and two connecting links that are connected by six active joints. The center of the robot has a steering suction pad that is used in steering. Each driving module has a caterpillar track with six suction pads. During the rotation of the track, the suction pads are automatically activated or deactivated by mechanical valves and guide rails. The locomotion strategy for wall-to-wall transitions is determined by kinematic analysis. A stability analysis of the worst-case scenario was performed to derive relationships between the required adhesion force and other design parameters. The MultiTrack is 1600 mm × 1000 mm × 300 mm in size, weighs 70 kg, and has a 15-kg payload capacity. It can transit from a floor to a vertical wall and can climb over a thin (130-mm-thick) wall.
Funding Information
* The Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), which is funded by the Ministry of Education (2013055323)